
Machine Learning Vulnerabilities in IoT-Driven Human Activity Recognition Systems

Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is a problem of interpreting sensor data to human movement using an efficient machine learning (ML) approach. The HAR systems rely on data from untrusted users, making them susceptible to data poisoning attacks. In a poisoning attack, attackers manipulate the sensor readings to contaminate the training set, misleading the HAR to produce erroneous outcomes. This research aims to investigate the vulnerabilities of HAR-ML systems, design and develop efficient and effective real-time lightweight solutions.

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Differentially-Private Machine Learning for Healthcare

The field of Machine Learning (ML) has been engaged in intensive research for a while to build an efficient and effective intelligent system for the early identification of chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes and has recently seen some promising findings. The bulk of the initiatives are aimed at classifying illness onset and minimizing cases of maltreatment. As a supervised learning problem, its accuracy is mostly determined by the training data, which is labeled data on actual patients that is highly privacy-sensitive. Privacy leakage can occur at any point in the machine learning lifecycle, from model training through model deployment, and can lead to a membership inference attack, model inversion attack, and reconstruction attack. As a result, safeguarding users' privacy is critical in healthcare issues, but little has been done to satisfy this demand.  This collaborative project aims to develop practical differentially private ML models for various healthcare problems.

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Blockchain Framework for Resource-Constrained Mobile Internet of Things (IoT)

This research aimed to address the blockchain management problem by designing a lightweight blockchain framework, for mobility-centric IoT without relying on a fixed infrastructure of edge devices. We show that breaking down a traditional global blockchain into smaller local blockchains in the spatial domain and limiting their size through a temporal constraint will allow us to design scalable blockchain for mobile IoT systems.

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Decentralized Location Privacy in Smart City Blockchain

This research aimed to address the blockchain management problem by designing a lightweight blockchain framework, coined as Sensor-Chain, for mobility-centric IoT without relying on a fixed infrastructure of edge devices. We show that breaking down a traditional global blockchain into smaller local blockchains in the spatial domain and limiting their size through a temporal constraint will allow us to design scalable blockchain for mobile IoT systems.

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Privacy Preserving Mechanism for Continuous Location Sharing In Centralized Internet Of Things (IOT) Systems

In this project, we propose a novel location privacy-preserving approach, called KLAP, based on three fundamental obfuscation requirements: minimum k-locations, l-diversity, and privacy area preservation. KLAP models a user's preference for different locations based on the historical data available on the LBS and can attain personalized privacy-preservation by utilizing such a model for sporadic, frequent, and continuous LBS use cases.

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Usable Location Privacy for Location-Based Social Networks

In this project, we study the impact of a combination of spatiotemporally correlated geo-tagged and non-geo-tagged contents on existing trajectory obfuscation mechanisms. To do so, we propose a content oblivious inference attack model from the perspective of a malicious authority who has access to historical data of all the users. we designed a probabilistic inference model by considering both checkin and photo probabilities for each location. With Foursquare's New York City and Tokyo datasets, we first implement the inference model and apply it on three variations of dummy-based obfuscation mechanisms, and show that a straightforward application of existing dummy approaches can leak location privacy in the presence of heterogeneous data (in our case, it is geo-tagged and non-geo-tagged photos and checkins). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to investigate the impact of historical shared photos on location privacy.

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